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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ginseng (Panax) plant disease

Ginseng plant disease

Ginseng (Panax) is a kind of medicinal herb belonging to the tribe Araliaceae. Ginseng grown in the northern hemisphere, mainly in Siberia, Manchuria, Korea and the United States. Types of tropical ginseng can be found in Vietnam, namely Panax vietnamensis. The name "ginseng" is taken from English, which are read following the Cantonese pronunciation, Jen Shen, which in Mandarin is pronounced "ren shen", 人蔘, which means duplicate humans, because of its roots that often resembles a human.

Ginseng is often used in traditional medicine. The roots of this plant can improve the flow and increase the production of red blood cells, and helps recovery from illness.

Neck Stem Rot Disease
The cause fungus Phytium sp. or Sclerotium sp. Usually at the beginning of planting ginseng deterioration caused by excessive soil moisture. Neck stem or base of the stem was colored gray or brown, wet and soft curved inward. This fungus can spread to the tubers, over time the leaves look wilted. Control by way of drainage arrangements, gardens are not muddy and not humid. Since the beginning before planting using Natural GLIO.
Root Rot Disease
The cause fungus Phythopthora sp. Symptoms are initially green leaf turns yellow. Spread over time to cause death. When the plant was lifted in the base of the bulb / stem looks white feathers which later turned into a round-circle and finally become dark brown to black. Control using Natural GLIO before planting, keep the soil moisture and the last alternative to the systemic fungicide

Wilt Disease
Could be due to the fungus Fusarium sp. or Pseudomonas sp. But mostly caused by the fungus Fusarium. At first, leaves yellowing bone, then spread to the leaf stalk and leaves eventually wither. Control by Natural GLIO spread before planting and dip the cuttings before planting into the NASA POC GLIO Natural mixed.